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Publications and Works in Progress

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

On Parentage, Genetics, and Surrogacy, 59 Ga. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025) (job talk).


Marital Status Discrimination under Human Rights Law: A Transformative Approach (work in progress).


Sex/Gender Segregation: A Human Rights Violation, Not a Protection, 35 Yale J.L. & Feminism 67 (2024).


Right to Non-Discrimination on the basis of Sex, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Sex Characteristics, in International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Updated Overview and New Trends (Hélène Tigroudja, Tania Abdo, Juana María Ibáñez & Hernán Quezada eds.) (forthcoming 2024) (title translated from Spanish: Derecho a la no discriminación por motivos de sexo, género, orientación sexual, identidad de género y caractéristicas sexuales, in Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos: Mirada actualizada y nuevas tendencias).


Proof (IACtHR), in Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (Hélène Ruiz Fabri ed.) (forthcoming 2024) (with James L. Cavallaro).


A New Path Forward? How Attention to Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights Could Increase U.S. Indigenous and African-American Civil Society Engagement with the Inter-American Human Rights System, 28 UCLA J. Int’l L. & Foreign Aff. (forthcoming 2024) (with James L. Cavallaro and Silvia Serrano).


The Approach to Interdependence among Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, in The Belém do Pará Convention: Commentary on Its History, Development, and Current Debates 129 (Selene Soto Rodríguez ed., 2024) (with Flávia Piovesan) (title translated from Spanish: El enfoque de interdependencia entre derechos civiles y políticos y derechos económicos, sociales y culturales in La Convención de Belém do Pará: Comentarios sobre su historia, desarrollos y debates actuales).


Patterns of Violence Against the LGBTI Population in the Americas, in Guide to Incorporating a Sexual Diversity-Sensitive Approach to Public Policy in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara 10 (IMEPLAN and the Dirección de Diversidad Sexual del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco, 2023) (with Flávia Piovesan and Jota Vargas-Alvarado) (title translated from Spanish: Patrones de violencia hacia la población LGBTI en las Américas, in Guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de diversidad sexual en las políticas públicas del Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara).


Public Policies and Inter-American Standards: The Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress, in  Science and Pandemics: An Epistemology for Human Rights 275 (Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky comp., Editorial de la Universidad de la Plata 2022) (with Flávia Piovesan) (title translated from Spanish: Políticas públicas y estándares interamericanos: El derecho al goce de los beneficios del progreso científico, in Ciencias y pandemia. Una epistemología para los derechos humanos).


The Freedom to Marry in Human Rights Law Worldwide: Ending the Exclusion of Same-Sex Couples from Marriage, 32 Ind. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 1 (2022) (with Evan Wolfson and Alissa Fromkin).


Not Hers Alone: Victim Standing Before the CEDAW Committee After M.W. v. Denmark, 131 Yale L.J. 256 (2021) (student note).

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Presentations and Conference Papers

Panelist, Challenges Relating to Gender in Human Rights Law, VI Jornadas Australes de Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, Círculo de Estudios de Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (July 2024) (title translated from Spanish: Desafíos en materia de género en el DIDH).


Panelist, Critical Perspectives on Family Law, Southeastern Association of Law Schools 2024 Annual Meeting (July 2024).


Presenter, On Parentage, Genetics, and Surrogacy, Summer Workshop Series, Junior International Law Scholars Association (July 2024).


Presenter, If Marriage Were No Longer a Technology of Governance, Family Law Scholars & Teachers Conference (June 2024).


Panelist, Reproductive Technology, Economics, and the Ever-Evolving Family, Law & Society Association 2024 Annual Meeting (June 2024).


Presenter, Marital Status Discrimination Under Human Rights Law: A Transformative Approach, 2024 Richmond Junior Faculty Forum, University of Richmond School of Law (May 2024).


Panelist, International Law, Junior Scholars Conference, Northeastern University School of Law (March 2024).


Panelist, New Voices in International Human Rights, Association of American Law Schools 2024 Annual Meeting (January 2024).


Invited Speaker, Sex/Gender Segregation: A Human Rights Violation, Not a Protection, Yale Law School (October 2023).


Guest Lecturer, Law 669: International Human Rights Seminar, Pace Law School (October 2023).


Presenter, Sex/Gender Segregation: A Human Rights Violation, Not a Protection, Intellectual Life Workshop Series, Tulane University Law School (September 2023).


Presenter, Sex/Gender Segregation: A Human Rights Violation, Not a Protection, Central States Law Schools Association 2023 Annual Scholarship Conference, University of Oklahoma College of Law (September 2023).


Presenter, Surrogacy and the Relevance of a Genetic or Biological Link, Summer Faculty Works-in-Progress Series, Tulane University Law School (August 2023).


Panelist, Gender and International Law, V Jornadas Australes de Derecho Internacional de Derechos Humanos, Círculo de Estudios de Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (August 2023) (title translated from Spanish: Género y Derecho Internacional).


Panelist, Administrative Law and the Courts, The Yale Law Journal’s Student Scholarship Symposium, Yale Law School (April 2022).


Presenter, Notes on a Theme: Indirect Discrimination on Bases Including Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Context of Health and in Light of Commitments to Cross-Movement Solidarity, Workshop on Indirect Discrimination and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Harvard Law School (12 February 2021) (with Alice M. Miller).


Presenter, Indirect Discrimination Against LGBTI Persons in the Inter-American Human Rights System, Workshop on Indirect Discrimination and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Harvard Law School (12 February 2021) (with Flávia Piovesan).

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Blog Posts

The Case of X v. Cambodia: Missing Context, Lost Opportunity, Agenda Estado de Derecho (Oct. 17, 2023) (title translated from Spanish: El caso X c. Camboya: contexto omitido, oportunidad perdida).


Intersex Persons and the Inter-American Human Rights System (Part 2), Agenda Estado de Derecho (May 12, 2023) (title translated from Spanish: Las personas intersex y el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (parte 2)).


Intersex Persons and the Inter-American Human Rights System (Part 1), Agenda Estado de Derecho (Jan. 25, 2023) (title translated from Spanish: Las personas intersex y el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (parte 1)).


Vicky Hernández v. Honduras: Inclusive Interpretations of Human Rights Treaties Concerning Gender, Instituto de Democracia y Derechos Humanos – PUCP (May 24, 2022) (title translated from Spanish: Vicky Hernández vs Honduras: interpretaciones inclusivas de tratados sobre género y derechos humanos).


Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and the Future of Abortion in the United States, Revista Nexos (Jan. 10, 2022) (with Patricia Cruz Marín) (title translated from Spanish: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization y el futuro del aborto en Estados Unidos).

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